Master Degree
Your Journey Starts Here - Find Your Purpose
Buy This Complete Module
Prerequisite: A recognized Bachelor’s Degree,
Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including Thesis
You will have the access to the following courses on buying the Complete Module:
- BITH507 - Hebrew Exegesis (The Book of Isaiah)
- BITH536 - Introduction to Missions
- BITH537 - Church Planting
- BITH571 - Systematic Theology 1-3
- BITH500 - Introduction To The Old Testament
BITH576 Christian Ethics and Excellence
BITH590 Introduction to Biblical Counseling
BITH599 Thesis (6 Credits)
BITH501 Introduction To The New Testament
BITH551 Biblical Interpretation
BITH630 Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation
OR Buy a Single Course Below
You will have the access to each course below for $375.00: